Cocoon No.1, (hover fly/ syrphidae), 2020
glass, deceased insects, 2020 ongoing
Within cocoon a selection is shown of an ongoing process in which deceased insects are gathered throughout daily life. A fragile husk is all that remains from many of these creatures, yet upon closer inspection immense beauty may be found in their transient physical presence.
Through adopting the insects into this colony of unseen passing, a new stage in the post-lifecycle is set in motion. Encased in a thin and vulnerable glass cocoon, they are offered temporary protection & preservation from outside influences, human or natural alike.
The glass cocoon as an intervention allows for the short life of each of these individuals to resonate beyond their own time. An opportunity for us to take a more attentive look at these tiny beings which account for the majority of life on the planet.
10% of each sold cocoon will be donated to buglife in order to support their projects & campaigns.
A contribution to a bigger cause that aids in protecting insects and their environment.
For more information about the organisation please visit buglife.org.uk